SG Cyber Youth Odyssey

Published on 30 Jan 2023

The SG Cyber Youth Odyssey is a new initiative under SG Cyber Youth programme. The programme – one of SG Cyber Talent’s programmes under Foundational Enabler 2: Grow a Robust Talent Pipeline of the Singapore Cybersecurity Strategy 2021 – targets youths to excite and guide them towards a future career on cybersecurity through training boot camps, competitions, learning journeys, career mentoring sessions and school talks.

The SG Cyber Youth Odyssey serves as a learning roadmap[1] for key initiatives under SG Cyber Youth, including Youth Cyber Exploration Programme (YCEP), Advanced YCEP (A.YCEP) and SG Cyber Olympians. It is developed in consultation with educators, industry practitioners and training partners.

The four stages of the learning roadmap, ‘Excite’, ‘Explore’, ‘Experience’ and ‘Excel’, will help students with varying degree of cybersecurity knowledge to gradually explore and further their interest in cybersecurity. Each stage builds upon knowledge of the previous stages and guides youths towards deeper understanding of cybersecurity topics. The topics covered in the roadmap are wide ranging, and they include fundamentals of cybersecurity, and technical areas such as penetration testing and network security.

The SG Cyber Youth Odyssey provides a clear set of learning outcomes and recommended topics to guide the development of activities for SG Cyber Youth. The recommended topics are meant to complement other STEM and Smart Nation initiatives, and activities in schools. The learning roadmap aims to help educators, career counsellors and parents by providing a structured approach to cybersecurity education and career guidance to help youths progress their interest/skills in cybersecurity. The roadmap can also serve as a reference for industry and training partners to guide the conduct of activities and training for youths at different stages of their journey.

Stages for SG Cyber Youth Odyssey


Odyssey Stage




Target Audience

Pre-tertiary students with no cybersecurity knowledge and may have never heard of cybersecurity

Pre-tertiary students with limited cybersecurity knowledge and curious to learn more

Pre-tertiary students with some cybersecurity knowledge who are considering cybersecurity as career/future career option



Blue Teaming/Defending networks

Red Teaming/Ethical Hacking

Bloom’s Level

Level 1 “Remember”

Level 2 “Understand”

Level 3 “Apply”

Examples of Activities

School Assembly Talks, Visits to Companies

YCEP, Infocomm Club Activities


Typical Hands-on Exercises

Securing mobile devices (most applicable and easiest to adapt in schools)

Network Security (eg. WiFi)

Web App, IoT and Penetration Testing


Details and modules of each stage can be downloaded  here.


[1] Aligned to Bloom’s Taxonomy, a widely-adopted model for learning and curriculum design familiar to educators