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- Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat launches Singapore’s Safer Cyberspace Masterplan 2020
Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat launches Singapore’s Safer Cyberspace Masterplan 2020
6 October 2020

See the full report [PDF, 6.4MB]
Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat announced Singapore’s Safer Cyberspace Masterplan 2020 at the opening ceremony of the virtual Singapore International Cyber Week today.
Building on the 2016 Singapore Cybersecurity Strategy[1], the Masterplan outlines a blueprint for the creation of a safer and more secure cyberspace in Singapore. Developed in consultation with industry and academic partners, it aims to raise the general level of cybersecurity for individuals, communities, enterprises, and organisations. It comprises three strategic thrusts:
Securing our core digital infrastructure;
Safeguarding our cyberspace activities; and
Empowering our cyber-savvy population.
Securing our Core Digital Infrastructure
The first strategic thrust aims to defend Singapore’s cyberspace at the outset by minimising vulnerabilities in our Internet architecture, devices and endpoints, and enterprise applications. Through this approach, end-users connected to the Internet in Singapore will have reduced exposure to known cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
To strengthen the protection of the Internet architecture in Singapore, the Government will collaborate with Mobile Network Operators to secure Singapore’s 5G networks, and review and update the Multi-Tier Cloud Security standard for Cloud services.
To better secure user devices and endpoints, the Government will also help consumers make informed decisions on the level of security offered by smart devices, by introducing the Cybersecurity Labelling Scheme (CLS).
To safeguard enterprise applications, enterprises are encouraged to leverage the National Digital Identity’s trusted services, such as MyInfo and SingPass Login, to augment their own identity assurance and authentication processes.
Safeguarding our Digital Activities
The second strategic thrust aims to ensure swift detection and remediation of malicious cyber activities at the national and enterprise levels, in order to minimise the impact and damage caused by cyber threats.
To do so, the Government will strengthen Singapore’s national malicious cyber activity detection and analysis capabilities. Some of the key initiatives include an Artificial Intelligence-enabled Cyber Fusion Platform for threat detection and analysis, as well as an Internet of Things Threat Analytics Platform.
Enterprises must also play their part to protect themselves against cyber threats. The Government will support these efforts by introducing self-help resources and solutions for enterprises, through an Internet Cyber Hygiene Portal, and an integrated and automated Security-as-a-Service solution.
Empowering our Cyber-Savvy Population
The third thrust of the Masterplan seeks to empower our population to respond to cyber threats. This can be achieved through enhancing awareness of how to protect ourselves in cyberspace, changing our attitudes towards cybersecurity and encouraging the adoption of cybersecurity measures.
At the enterprise level, the Government will develop resources and toolkits that are customised for enterprise leaders, employees, Chief Information Security Officers and cybersecurity teams, so that enterprise leaders can make good decisions on addressing cyber risks that their enterprises face. An example is the Exercise-in-a-Box Singapore tool that CSA will be launching in partnership with the United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre.
In addition, to encourage enterprises to adopt cybersecurity, the Government will roll out a voluntary SG Cyber Safe Trustmark by 2021. With the Trustmark, enterprises can demonstrate that they have put in place cybersecurity processes and measures. Clients can then select enterprises with the requisite cybersecurity assurance to meet their needs. CSA will be engaging stakeholders regarding the specifics of the Trustmark in due course.
At the community level, CSA will also continue to expand its outreach efforts through the GoSafeOnline Community Outreach Programme.
"Singapore’s digital transformation to achieve our Smart Nation goals in this post-COVID environment must be undergirded and enabled by robust cybersecurity. To leverage the opportunities, we must also mitigate the risks. To this end, the Safer Cyberspace Masterplan aims to raise the general level of cybersecurity in Singapore for Singaporeans, our enterprises and organisations. Cybersecurity is a collective responsibility, where all stakeholders can and must play a role to protect ourselves in the digital domain."
Mr David Koh
Chief Executive, Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA)
CSA aims to implement the initiatives in this Masterplan from 2021 - 2023. In addition, CSA will review the Masterplan regularly to keep up with the prevailing cyber threat landscape.
Please refer to Annexes A and B [PDF, 409kb] for additional information on key initiatives and an infographic on the Safer Cyberspace Masterplan.
[1] Singapore’s Cybersecurity Strategy was launched in 2016 and aims to create a resilient and trusted cyber environment that will enable us to realise the benefits of technology and secure a better future for Singaporeans. The Strategy comprises four pillars: (1) building a resilient infrastructure; (2) creating a safer cyberspace; (3) developing a vibrant cybersecurity ecosystem; and (4) strengthening international partnerships.
About the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore
Established in 2015, the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) seeks to keep Singapore’s cyberspace safe and secure to underpin our Nation Security, power a Digital Economy and protect our Digital Way of Life. It maintains an oversight of national cybersecurity functions and works with sector leads to protect Singapore’s Critical Information Infrastructure. CSA also engages with various stakeholders to heighten cyber security awareness, build a vibrant cybersecurity ecosystem supported by a robust workforce, pursue international partnerships and drive regional cybersecurity capacity building programmes.
CSA is part of the Prime Minister’s Office and is managed by the Ministry of Communications and Information. For more news and information, please visit www.csa.gov.sg.