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- Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation in the Field of Cybersecurity
Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation in the Field of Cybersecurity
22 June 2023

Photo Credit: MCI
The Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) and the National Cyber Security Agency (NCSA) of Qatar signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Cooperation in the Field of Cybersecurity on 21 June 2023, on the sidelines of Singapore’s President Halimah Yacob’s State Visit to Qatar.
The MOU was signed on Singapore’s behalf by Second Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman. Qatar’s signatory was H.E Soltan bin Saad Al-Muraikhi, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs.
Singapore and Qatar share mutual interests in enhancing cybersecurity cooperation. Both countries recognise that cooperation is vital to counter fast evolving cyber challenges and strengthen overall cyber safety. Both countries also recognise the importance of cybersecurity as a key enabler to leverage the benefits of digitalisation to grow their economies and improve the lives of their citizens.
The MOU will facilitate information sharing between both sides’ Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs), exchanges to better secure Industrial Control Systems and Operating Technology widely used in Critical Information Infrastructure systems, and collaboration on mutual areas of national interest. Further areas of potential cooperation include research, cybersecurity education and training, and partnership on national initiatives of mutual interest. This will strengthen both countries’ ability to address and tackle the transboundary challenge of cybersecurity.
About the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore
Established in 2015, the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) seeks to keep Singapore’s cyberspace safe and secure to underpin our Nation Security, power a Digital Economy and protect our Digital Way of Life. It maintains an oversight of national cybersecurity functions and works with sector leads to protect Singapore’s Critical Information Infrastructure. CSA also engages with various stakeholders to heighten cyber security awareness, build a vibrant cybersecurity ecosystem supported by a robust workforce, pursue international partnerships and drive regional cybersecurity capacity building programmes.
CSA is part of the Prime Minister’s Office and is managed by the Ministry of Communications and Information. For more news and information, please visit www.csa.gov.sg.
For media enquiries, please contact:
Tan Yi Shu (Mr)
Communications and Engagement Office, CSA
Mobile: (65) 9741 3025
Email: tan_yi_shu@csa.gov.sg