No, CSA does not provide monetary rewards to whistle-blowers.
I have hearsay information from an unknown third party, would such information be useful to CSA?
You should contact CSA at only if you have direct, or at the very least, indirect access to insider information relating to cover-ups of conduct that threaten the cybersecurity of Critical Information Infrastructure. Hearsay information, e.g. information overheard from unknown third parties, is unlikely to be useful to CSA. If you have enquiries that you require clarification on, and feedback on CSA’s programmes and/or initiatives, you may contact CSA’s general mailbox at
If I am involved in any wrongdoing that breaches the Cybersecurity Act, will I be granted immunity from enforcement actions or prosecution if I voluntarily provide information under the whistle-blowing scheme?
If you had committed, aided or abetted any offence under the Cybersecurity Act, you may be subjected to enforcement action. However, your cooperation in providing information may be considered favourably in our review of the case.
Who manages the CSA Whistleblowing Channel?
The CSA Whistleblowing Channel is managed by CSA’s Regulations Division.
Will I be updated on the outcome of the whistleblowing case?
Yes, after the conclusion of the whistle-blowing case, the assigned CSA officer will update you on the outcome.